Redefining Avalanche Education
The guides who lead our avalanche classes and guided ski trips represent the heart of our company. They teach you 4 hours of classroom instruction linked with 2-4 days of experiential, on the snow learning. Whether you ride skis, a splitboard, or a snow machine, our guides are ready for you. Avalanche Science Guides are constantly redefining avalanche education by bringing science into the backcountry to create the safest possible framework for discovering your own lines.

Santiago (Chago) Rodriguez
Avalanche Science Founder and POW Guide. Avalanche educator since 1996. Avalanche and Snow-Cryospahere Scientist at the CryoGARS group - Boise State University. Chago's passion is to ride pow with friends and clients!
We are dedicated to progressive instruction and innovation, creating an intersection of science and skiing powder.